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What is a Mala?


More than just a beautiful signature piece, malas are a powerful and symbolic tool for

meditation. We love to "wear" our yoga, from tattoos to tees and jewelry they expresses

and represent our devotion to the practice.

A mala is a string of beads, 108 plus a guru bead, that are traditional used in a meditation

or prayer practice. It is a tool to help you count mantras, and acts as a guide while you sit

in silence.




Why 108 Beads? 


There are many theories behind the significance of the number 108. I was taught that the number 1 stands for God, the universe or your own highest truth. 0 stands for emptiness and humility in spiritual practice. And 8 stands for infinity and timelessness.

The truth is — the significance of 108 beads on YOUR mala is open to interpretation which is a beautiful medium to set intentions, manifest and generally feel good.


























How to Use Mala Beads for Meditation

  1. Choose a spot and sit comfortably with your spine straight and your eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths to center and align yourself with your intention.

  2. If you have one, use a  mantra for this practice, chanting aloud or silently.

  3. Hold your mala in your right hand, draped between your middle and index fingers. Starting at the guru bead, use your thumb to count each bead as you pull it toward you recite your mantra. Do this 108 times, traveling around the mala, until you once again reach the guru bead.

  4. If you want to continue the meditation, instead of passing over the guru bead, simply reverse direction and begin again.

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