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Dumortierite is a stone of support, as it helps with those who may feel less than confident in thought and idea.  It also assists in staying true and in standing up for one's self.  It is a perfect stone for families.  For children, Dumortierite helps to reduce excitability and stubbornness.  For parents, it is an excellent stone for calm and patience. Dumortierite is a wonderful Throat Chakra stone.  It is a stone of communication and can stimulate the verbalization of ideas.  Dumortierite is also a wonderful stone to use when feeling scattered, unfocused and disorganized.  It will help to enhance the energies of orderliness, self discipline and organizational abilities. Dumortierite brings a feeling of relaxation, calm, and harmony, and can be used to reduce stress-related conditions like headaches and tension.

Chakras - Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra

Zodiac - Leo


Jade is known as the dream stone, and is said to enable understanding of dreams. Jade is believed to beam love, courage, chastity, and wisdom. At the same time, it’s said to reduce negativity, and increase the ability to express oneself. It’s known to balance emotion, provide comforting energy, endurance, and peace. In addition, Jade is believed to help the body heal itself, increase flexibility, and strengthen the heart, eyes, kidneys, and immune system. The stone is also associated in aiding with mental problems, purifying blood, encouraging a long life. Jade is a 12th Anniversary gemstone.

Chakras - Heart Chakra

Zodiac - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra

Element - Earth


Cloudy Quartz is associated with the solar plexus chakra, and known as an excellent ground stone. Many believe it aids in relieving stress and anxiety, while calming a hyperactive mind. Quartz is also said to disperse fear and lift depression and negativity, while encouraging positive thought and action. Others associate the stone with detoxifying the digestive system, and protecting against radiation. 

Chakras - Base Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra

Zodiac - Scorpio, Capricorn

Element - Earth/Air

I Am Kind - Mala

  • Wood, Durmortierite, Jade, Cloudy Quartz, Matte Cloudy Quartz


    108 beads

    Silver tone spacers

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